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Whelton PK, Appel LJ, Sacco RL, Anderson CA, Antman EM, Campbell N, et al. Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO) 2012. Guideline: potassium intake for adults and children. Guideline: sodium intake for adults and children. The feasibility of meeting the WHO guidelines for sodium and potassium: a cross-national comparison study. 2009 Jun 38:791–813.ĭrewnowski A, Rehm CD, Maillot M, Mendoza A, Monsivais P. Salt intakes around the world: implications for public health. 2004 43(5 Suppl 1):S1–290.īrown IJ, Tzoulaki I, Candeias V, Elliott P. K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines on hypertension and antihypertensive agents in chronic kidney disease. National Kidney Foundation practice guidelines for chronic kidney disease: evaluation, classification, and stratification. Levey AS, Coresh J, Balk E, Kausz AT, Levin A, Steffes MW, et al. Methods using repeated casual urine Na/K ratios may provide a reasonable estimation of 24-h urine Na/K ratio in normotensive and hypertensive as well as individuals with stage 1–3, but not stage 4–5 CKD. The bias for mean Na/K ratio between 2-day, 24-h urine, and the 4 casual urine sampling ranged from −0.86 to 0.16 in participants in stage 1–3, and the quality of agreement for the mean of this casual urine sampling was similar to that of sampling 8 casual urine samples for estimating 2-day, 24-h values. Casual urine Na/K ratio was strongly correlated with 2-day, 24-h urine Na/K ratio by sampling 4 casual urine specimens every morning and evening in participants in stage 1–3 ( r = 0.69–0.78), but not in stage 4–5 ( r = 0.12–0.19). Mean 24-h urine Na/K ratio was higher in participants in stage 4–5 (5.1) than in participants in stage 1–3 (4.1) CKD. Urinary Na, K, and Na/K ratios were measured in both casual urine samples and 2-day, 24 h urine samples, and then analyzed by correlation and Bland–Altman analyses. A total of 61 inpatients with CKD, 31 in stage 1–3 (eGFR ≥ 30 ml/min/1.73 m 2) and 30 in stage 4–5 (eGFR < 30 ml/min/1.73 m 2), aged 20–85 consuming a low-sodium diet (NaCl 6 g/day) were recruited. See Expressions.This study aimed to clarify the relationship between repeated measurements of casual (spot) and 24-h urinary sodium-to-potassium (Na/K) ratios in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). If you need additional control over these symbols-if you don’t want the symbol centered in the measure, for example-you can also insert a measure repeat symbol as an expression. You can edit the properties of the staff styles see Staff styles for more detail. To restore the music, select the measures again and choose Staff > Clear Staff Styles From (and then the desired score/part option or press the CLEAR key (laptop users Fn-6)).Finale hides all the music in all layers, and replaces it with these measure repeat marks. The letters in parentheses are predefined staff style Metatools. The Apply Staff Style dialog box appears. Choose Staff > Apply Staff Style to > Score and Parts.See Selecting music for some region-selecting shortcuts. Choose the Staff tool and select the measures you want to contain measure repeat signs.See also Number Repeated Measures Plug-in to place a number over each repeated measure. Finale includes two staff styles that make use of alternate notation to display these symbols. The measure repeat symbol ( ), often used in rhythm parts, indicates that the measure in which it appears is to be a repetition of the previous measure.